Results 121 - 135 of 212
Kaw Liga's

Breeder of Persian and Exotic. 73060 Ramnäs, Sweden.
Ozymandias Persians

We select persians with solid colors, bicolors , parti-colors and tabby, silvertabby and smoke. 21042 Caronno Pertusella (Lombardy), Italy
Cattery By Fate

Breeder of Persian cats. 9800 Hjørring, Denmark
Billby's Cattery

Breeder of Persian cats. Tel Aviv, Israel
Gattaka Persians

Allevamento amatoriale gatti persiani ed exotic shorthair. Testato PKD negativo. Pedigree di alta genealogia. Breeder of Persian and Exotic Shorthair. Busto Arsizio (VA), Italia - Italy

Chatterie Persans pkd negatif sante garantie,specialise dans le van bicolores tabby et blanc. Persians cattery Terrebonne Québec, Canada
Chatterie des bords de l'Yerres

Elevage passion de Persans toutes couleurs et de Chartreux. Breeder of Persian and Chartreux cats. 77390 Courtomer (Seine et Marne), France
World of Illusions

Breeder of Persian cats. Holstebro, Denmark

Breeder of Exotics, Persian and Singapura cats. Chester (Cheshire), United Kingdom
Chatterie Des Portes d'Orient

Elevage familial (pas de cage, plein d'amour) de persans solides et bicolores. Nos lignées : Boberan, Candirand, d'Eden lover, Jubileum, Kuorii, Sugarspun. Breeder of persian cats. 4000 Liège, Belgique - Belgium
Aquemenida Cattery

Breeder of Persian cats. Buenos Aires, Argentina

Elevage de chats persan et himalayan. Breeder of Persian and Himalayan cats, PKD and FELV/FIV tested. Racine Quebec, Canada

AGLAOS french bulldogs, persian and exotic cats from Czech republic invite you! Pictures, pedigrees, links, quality blood lines. 28912 Sadska, Czech Republic
Mision Lofoten Cattery

Criador Exotico, Oriental, Siamese y Persa. Breeder of Siamese, Oriental Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair and Persian breeds. 7600 Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires), Argentina
Catjolerie Cattery

Venez voir mes amours de persan calico, bicolore et blanc. Petite Chatterie familliale au Québec. au plaisir ;o). Breeder of persian cats. St-Hubert Québec, Canada
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