Results 106 - 120 of 212

Small cattery breeding persians and exotics. Lisbon, Portugal
Paws and Purrs Cattery

A CFA registered cattery breeding Traditional Doll=Faced Persians and Himalayans in various colors including Chocolate, Lilac and Lynx!. Akron OH, USA

Breeder of Persian cats. Randlett OK, USA

Allevamento persiani altissima genealogia. Breeder of Persian cats. 73100 Lecce (Puglia), Italia
Ynobe CZ Cattery

Breeder of Persian cats. Svitavy, Czech Republic
Exomania Cattery

Exomania cattery persian exotic cats kitten. Grodno, Belarus
Pink Fantasy

Breeder of Persian cats. California CA, USA
Oceanpurrls Persians

Van persians and Himalayans. Calgary AB, Canada
Deearden Silver Persians

Breeder of Persian cats. Melbourne VIC, Australia
Cattery A Al Hosein

Breeder of Persian and Exotic Shorthair cats. s'Hertogenbosch, Netherlands
Vinderoed & Von Asserbo Persians

A world of Persians & Exotics In Solid and Bicolours. Raised with love, shown by pride. 3300 Frederiksværk, Denmark
Catsland Cattery

Petite chatterie élevant librement des chat Burmese europeens, des Burmilla et des persan. Small cattery who breed European Burmese, Burmilla and persian. St-Hubert Quebec, Canada
Amusing Cat

Ich züchte liebenswerte Katzen mit anhänglichem Wesen. Alle Tabby Varianten, auch silbertabby, bicos, solids, PKD Gentest neg. Breeder of Exotic Shorthair and persian in all tabby colors, bicos and solid. My cats are PKD neg. by DNA test. Lovely cats with nice temper, heavy boned and cobby. 34121 Kassel (Hessen), Deutschland - Germany
Lilac And Co

éleveur Belge de persans chocolat/ lilac ou carrier en self, bicolore, arlequin et van. Belgian breeder in chocolate and lilac varieties in self , bicolour and van or carrier. 6041 Gosselies, Belgique - Belgium
Fairy 4 U

Breeder of Persian cats. Hagen (North Rhine-Westphalia), Germany
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