Results 151 - 165 of 212
Kosmiko's cattery

Criadero Persa y Exotico. Breeder of persians and exotics shorthair. Excelents lines. All guarantees. OKD negative. Madrid, España - Spain

Breeders of Persians, Colourpoints cats and Pekingese dogs. Manchester, United Kingdom.
Tradory Persian Cats

Breeding Persian kittens from top UK and International lines. eg: Sharamka, Pizzacata, Ocalicos, Equinox etc. Solids, Bi`s, Tri`s and Vans in Dominants and Dilutes. Southampton (Hampshire), United Kingdom
Nightflash Cattery

Breeder of Persian cats. Fresno CA, USA
Cattery Sorrentina

We breed Persians (only Solids)...Whites are also very dearly to us, as you can see on our website. Rotterdam (Zuid-Holland), Netherlands.
Criadero Gatakis

Criadero de los Mejores Gatos Persas y Exoticos CFA de Mexico 2003. Breeder of Persians and Exotics. 09820 Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Pouncing Paws Cattery

Breeders of Tabbies in Brown, Silver, Blue Silver and Smoke Persians and himalayans. We are FIV, FelV, PKD tested negative. Elevage des persans et des himalayens, tabby, solides, bicolors et les porteurs de pointes. Pour les himalayens (colourpoint) nous spécialisons dans les crèmes, les bleus, les bleu crèmes, et les lynxs pointes. Carp ONT, Canada
Persian House

Small cageless cattery breeding quality Himalayan and Persian cats. Geneva, Switzerland
Kalfumalen Cattery - Persian, Exotics & Himalayans

Criadero Persas, Exoticos y Himalayos. Persian, Exotics and Himalayans' cattery. Excellent bloodlines. 1642 San Isidro (Buenos aires), Argentina
Beaubell Persians

Breeder of Persian cats. Indiana IN, USA
CameoCats Pele Mele

CameoCats Pele Mele. Kleine Hobbyzucht von Perser. Alle unsere Katzen sind FeLV - & FIV- FIP negativ und geimpft gegen Katzenseuche, Katzenschnupfen, PKD gescannt and PKD-DNA negativ getestet. Small Persian Cattery, breeding with Top US lines. All cats are PKD, FelV and FIP tested and live with us in the house. 25436 Tornesch (Schleswig-Holstein), Deutschland
President's Persians & Exotics

Breeder of Exotic Shorthair and Persian cats. Toronto ON, Canada
Arrow Lakes

Breeder of persian cats. Castlegar BC, Canada

Small DNA PKD-tested cattery has a registration of CFA and FIFe.The colourings of cats are: bi-color, tabby, including silver tabby. Krasnodar, Russia

Breeder of persian cats and Shetland ponies. Frome (Somerset), United Kingdom
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