Results 1 - 15 of 212
Pelaqita Persians

CFA registered Cattery of Excellence. Champion and Grand Champion lines. Breeding cats are tested for and are negative for FIV, FelV and PKD. Five year written contract/health-genetic guarantee. Pleasantville OH, USA
Happy Hollow Cattery

Breeder of Persian, Himalayan and Exotic cats. Strafford MO, USA
Shortnaps Cattery

Breeder of Persian and Napoleon cats. Smiths AL, USA

Breeder of Persian and Exotic cats. Smokes and Tabby 28330 Pori, Finland
Cattery RusLana

Small CFA and FIFe registered and PKD-DNA tested cattery specializing in bicolor and tabby exotic shorthair and persian cats. Krasnodar, Russia

Breeder of Persian, Colourpoint and Exotic Shorthair cats. Barnsley (Yorkshire), United Kingdom
Passion Feline

Eleveur de chats Persans. Persian Breeder. We breed Van, Bi-color, tabby, solid include white. We work with great line (Anz, Bolo, kitty Charm, Vickits, etc...) FIV/FLV, PKD neg. Lanaudière Québec, Canada
Chatterie Doux Calin Cattery

Eleveur de chats Himalayan et Persans. Breeder of Himalayan and Persian cats. Venise-en-Québec QC, Canada

Züchter von Perserkatzen. Breeder of persian in smoke, solid and cameo. Small cattery with no cages. My cats are all PKD DNA negative, FELV/FIV negative, CFA registered. The home of CFA-Champions, WorldChampion, Grand Europe Champion, UK and Imperial GC, multiple CFA Final winners and Best smoke/shaded Persian by CFA 21220 Seevetal (Niedersachsen), Deutschland - Germany
Katzele Persians

Solid Persians cattery working with the world's most known bloodlines. Ramat - Gan, Israel

Persian & Exotic Shorthair. Specialized in Tabbies and Bi-color. Hong Kong, China
Monella Persians

Working with the best USA imported cats from top bloodlines. Specializing in bicolours, Vans , harlequins and particolours and also solid colours. Attard, Malta
Aladar Persians

Breeder of Persian cats. Picayune MS, USA
No Comment Cattery

Elevage de Exotiques shorthair, Persans. Breeder of Exotics shorthair, Persians 73240 St Genix sur Guiers (Savoie), France
Gattaka Persians

Breeder of Persian and Exotic shorthair. 21052 Busto Arsizio (Lombardia), Italy
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