Results 1 - 15 of 36
Horse Breeds

Extensive breeds information from the Oklahoma State University, USA
Horse Breeds of the World

Extensive breed information from the International Horse Museum.
Morab Horse - Reference center

Every thing you might want to know about the Morab horse. Shows, awards, publishing, activities, breeding, history and registration to name some.
International Sport Horses of Color

Georgia Draft Horse Association

Oklahoma Draft Horse and Mule Association

American Gaited Horse Association

Breed registry geared toward natural gaited horses. USA.
Breeds of Horse & Pony

Horse Resource

Breed descriptions.
Dogs and Horses: List Breeds & Colours

Hunde und Pferde: Auflistung Rassen & Farben. Honden en Paarden: Overzicht Rassen & Kleuren.
Virginia Draft Horse and Mule Association

Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.

Westphalian Breeding Association. 48157 MĂĽnster (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Deutschland - Germany
American Sport Pony

American Grade Horse Registry

For all mixed breed horses and ponies. USA.
AMHA American Miniature Horse Association

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