Results 1 - 15 of 15
Holsteiner pferde. Online Diskussions, Hengststationen, Reiterhöfe, Pferdefotografe, Pferdemarkt,... Holsteiner horse. Online discussion, stallion stations, rider courts, photography, breeding districts,... Deutschland - Germany
American Trakehner Association, Inc. (ATA)
The American Hanoverian Society
Rheinland-Pfalz-Saar International
Official North American Representative: preserve and expand the quality of sport horses in all disciplines on the North American continent Riverside CA, USA.
Trakehner Breeders Fraternity
Trakehner Breeders Association of Denmark
Verband hannoverscher Warmblutzüchter e.V.
German Hanoverian Society Deutschland - Germany
Trakehner Breeders Association of New Zealand
The Hanoverian Breeders Club of Canada Inc.
Oldenburg Horse Breeders Society
The North American Division of Verband der Züchter des Oldenburger Pferdes e.V. USA
British Bavarian Warmblood Association
United Kingdom.
International Sporthorse Registry and the Oldenburg Registry N.A.
MidWest Trakehners
Association of breeders, owners, and friends of the Trakehner horse. IN, USA.
Pferdezuchtverein Verden
Horse Breeding Club Verden 27283 Verden (Niedersachsen), Deutschland - Germany
American Holsteiner Horse Association, Inc.