Results 1 - 12 of 12
Guiding Eyes for the Blind

Canine Compagnions

Canine Companions for Independence is a non-profit organization that enhances the lives of people with disabilities by providing highly-trained assistance dogs and ongoing support to ensure quality partnerships
Net's Greatest Guide Dogs

Leader Dogs for the Blind

Guide Dog Foundation for the Blind

Monkeys Assist People with Disabilities

Monkeys, chosen for their intelligence and ability to perform simple tasks, can be trained to help severely disabled individuals. A capuchin's small hands and nimble fingers resemble human hands. They learn in much the same way as human children do -- by observing, imitating, and exploring. They have been trained to open doors, hold pencils, operate photocopying machines, and even carefully spoon feed a quadriplegic
Guide Dog Users Inc

Israel Guide Dog Center for the Blind

Hilfs-und Begleithunde für motorisch Behinderte

Association Suisse d'éducation de chiens d'assistance pour personnes handicapées au plan moteur Swiss Association for training dogs for the bodily handicapped people. 3977 Granges, Schweiz - Suisse - Switzerland
F.F.A.C., Fédération Française des Associations de Chiens guides d'aveugles

La F.F.A.C., Fédération Française des Associations de Chiens guides d'aveugles, supervise et coordonne les actions des Associations et Ecoles de Chiens Guides d'Aveugles affiliées. Reconnue d'Utilité Publique, elle apporte à ses membres un soutien technique et financier afin qu'un maximum de chiens guides puissent être remis gratuitement aux personnes handicapées visuelles qui en font la demande. The French Federation of Guide Dog Associations (FFAC) is a charity gathering guide dogs schools in France. Our common aim: provide the visually impaired with guide dogs as a mean for a safe independence and a better integration in society.
Fidos for Freedom

Increase the quality of life in the Baltimore-Washington metropolitan community through the use of hearing dogs, service dogs, and therapy dogs.
The Seeing Eye Inc

Founded in 1929 the school's mission is: "to enhance the independence, dignity, and self-confidence of blind people through the use of Seeing Eye dogs." Morristown NJ, USA