Results 1 - 13 of 13
NASAP - Northern Alberta Society for Animal Protection

NASAP is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to rescuing homeless animals while promoting responsible pet ownership in Northern Alberta (Canada). We are dedicated to reducing the use of euthanasia as a means to control the over population of adoptable pets.
Nebraska Italian Greyhound Rescue

Adoptable puppies ranging from 4 months to seniors are usually looking for a new home. We are a nationwide rescue, so if a dog in Nebraska doesn't match your needs, then we can look at hundreds of others that may.
NSAL - North Shore Animal League America

The World's Largest Puppy,Kitten,Cat & Dog Adoption Organization.
French Bulldog Village (USA)

The French Bulldog Village is the home of the Karen Krings Memorial Fund available to help rescued French Bulldogs. It is also home to the French Bulldog Bus, a placement service for retired, older puppies, and rescued French Bulldogs.
Lost Dogs UK

Website of Lost & Stolen Dogs in the UK and Eire.
Airedale Rescue & Adoption of Delaware Valley

Serving Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware, USA
Jack Russell Care Network

Information and resources for the care and welfare of Jack Russell Terriers also referring to JRT Rescue sites in Australia
Candy Kitchen Rescue Ranch

Rescue and Care of abused and abandoned captive-bred wolves and wolf-dogs. Ramah NM, USA.
Boston Terrier Rescue Net (USA)

Nebraska Italian Greyhound Rescue (USA)

Italian Greyhound Puppies and adult dogs that come from owners who are unable to care for their IGs any longer. All dogs are up-to-date on shots, fixed and on heartworm preventative. Medical history provided.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Rescue

Operating throughout the USA and Canada
Border Collie Friends Rescue (Canada)

Monika's Doggie Rescue

Sydney NSW, Australia