Results 1 - 15 of 48
Kan Trace
Breeder of Karelian Bear dog, American Staffordshire Terrier, Weimaraner, Lagotto Romagnolo, Shorthaired standard Dachshund and Posavian Hound. Zagreb, Croatia
Breeder of Miniature Dachshund Nampa IA, USA
Te-Biit´s kennel
Breeder of smooth-haired miniature dachshund. Kuopio, Finland
Dachsue's Kennel
Breeder of Miniature Dachshund Fort Blackmore VA, USA
Breeder of Miniature Dachshund and Doberman Pinscher Collinsville OK, USA
Di Casa Stoppa
Allevatore di Bassotto a pelo duro Breeder of miniature Wire-Haired Dachshunds 35127 Legnaro (PD), Italia - Italy
Kennel des Fripons d'Ebene
Breeder of Dachshund (standard, smooth) and Dobermann Eleveur de Teckel et Dobermann Geraardsbergen, Belgique - Belgium
Dachshunds and More
Breeder of Miniature Dachshund, Yorkshire Terrier, Pug, and Chihuahua dogs Murchison TX, USA
Donneta's Pups
Breeder of Dachshund, Papillon and Shih Tzu. Ada OK, USA
Dachshund Farm Kennel
Dachshund colors inclued Isabella, Blue and also chocoalte/tan. All pups bred for good dispsotion to make great family pets. Zachary LA, USA
Tina's Precious Pets
Breeder of Miniature Schnauzer and Miniature Dachshund Kemp TX, USA
Allevatore di Bassotti Breeder of Daschunds Cernobbio (Co), Italia - Italy
Élevage Tokelry Reg'd
Élevage familial de Lévriers Irlandais et de Dachshund standard à poil. long. Breeder of irish wolfhound and Teckel standard longhaired. Beloeil Montérégie Québec, Canada
Élevage Tokelry Enr.
Petit élevage sélectif de teckels standards poils longs, chien chinois à crête, et levrette d'italie. Lignée de Champions. Breeder of Dachshund standard longhaired, Chinese Crested, and italian Greyhound. St-Mathieu Beloeil Québec, Canada
Porth Kennels
AKC Miniature Dachshunds. Quality Miniature Dachshunds. All coat types and colors, including English Cream, Isabella, Blue/Tan and Chocolate/Tan. Excellent bloodlines. Lexington SC, USA
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