Results 16 - 30 of 32
Angel's Heart

Eleveur de Standard et Toy Poodle Breeder of Standard and Toy Poodle Gals, Suisse - Switzerland
Pineneedles Poodles

Breeder of Standard Poodle Roswell GA, USA
Blue Velvet

Breeder of Standard Poodle 02880 Veikkola, Finland

Breeder of Abyssinian, Somali, Cornish Rex, British Shorthair, Singapura, Russian Blue cats, and Standard and Toy Poodle. Clematis VIC, Australia
Joiner's Quality

Breeder of Standard and Miniature Poodle 20780 Kaarina, Finland
Kirada Standard Poodles

View our beautiful Standard Poodles in black,white,cream,blue,silver and also our handsom Greyhounds. Adelaide SA, Australia
Denali Kennel

Breeder of Standard and Miniature Poodle Hillsburgh ONT, Canada
Kennel Tassmania

Breeder of Standard and Miniature Poodle Fredriksberg, Sweden

Breeder of Standard Poodles and American Cocker Spaniels. Abbotsford BC, Canada

Breeder of Standard, Miniature and Toy Poodle Klaukkala, Finland
Zorcon Poodles

Breeder of Standard and Toy Poodles Laurens SC, USA
Kennel Chicola

Breeder of Standard Poodle 4160 Herlufmagle, Denmark

Breeder of Standard Poodle and Airedale Terrier 20040 Colnago (Milano), Italy

Breeder of Standard Poodles 23252 Akarp, Sweden
DuPuy Poodles

Breeders of Poodles -Standard, Miniature and Toys. Warsaw VA, USA.
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