Results 1 - 15 of 16
Schulte Scottish Terriers

We offer top quality loving family pets with a focus on health and temperament. Our Scotties are raised on beautiful Peck mountain on 19 acres with a two acre lake. Plenty of space for our Scotties to run and enjoy the outdoors. We have been breeding Scottish Terriers off and on over the past twenty years and take great care and pride in our breeding program. We breed for confirmation and health. Huntsville AL, USA

Züchter von Scottish Terrier. Breeder of Scottish Terrier 56271 Mündersbach (Rheinland-Pfalz), Deutschland - Germany

Breeder of Scottish Terrier Kaiserslautern (Rheinland-Pfalz), Germany

Züchter von Doberman und Schottischer Terrier Breeder of Dobermann and Scottish Terrier Eleveur des Dobermann et Terrier d'Ecosse 18320 Torteron (Cher), Frankreich - France
Call to Glory

Breeder of champion Scottish Terrier (best breeder 2002 in Argentina). Buenos Aires, Argentina
Olhos de Veludot Kennels

Breeder of Yorkshire, Scottish and Sealyham terriers. Porto Alegre (RS), Brazil
Bitt Box

Breeder of Giant Schnauzer and Scottish Terrier 50346 Trebechovice p. Orebem, Czech Republic
Moravia Campanella

Breeder of Briards, Scottish Terrier and German Shepherd. Informations about our dogs, puppies, matings. 73934 Ã…Â enov, Czech Republic
vom Rahmbruch

Züchter von Scottish Terriern und West Higland Terriern Breeder of Scottish Terrier and West Highland Terrier Essen (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Deutschland - Germany
Charthill Scottish Terriers

Scotties for show and pet, over 150 champions and 30 years experience. We breed for health, good temperament and to the akc standard. We show and breed great scotties. Piedmont SC, USA
Everlast Kennel

Criador de Alano e Scottish Terrier. Breeder of Great Dane and Scottish Terrier. Buenos Aires, Argentina
J B Scottish Terriers

Our Scotties are bred for excellence and temperament. Home raised in a family environment with loving care. Waterford NY, USA
Pointchester Scottish Terriers

One of the leading Scottie kennels in Holland, breeding and showing quality dogs. Hekelingen (Zuid-Holland), Netherlands
Kennel Scottish Impress

Kennel of Scottish Terriers from best european blood lines. Maale Adumum, Israel

Breeder of Scottish Terrier and Kerry Blue Terrier. Kocno, Slovenia
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