Results 1 - 15 of 39
Hosanna Afghan Hounds

Breeder of Aghan hounds -- largest collection of Aghan Hound photos, pictures, most beautiful dogs on the web. Dedicated Afghan fanciers helping to preserve this beautiful dog breed. We show in AKC conformation breed occasionally. Edmonton KY, USA
Alisdan Kennel

Breeder of Bolzoi, Afghan Hound, Irish Wolfhound and Whippets. Bucharest, Romania

Breeder of Afghan hounds. Nevada NV, USA

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. Carp ON, Canada

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. Vineyard QLD, Australia
Ishkur Kennels

Breeder of Afghan Hounds and Chinese Crested dogs. Chilliwack BC, Canada

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. 43033 Fjärås, Sweden

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. Kovland, Sweden

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. St Eugene ONT, Canada

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. Älmeboda, Sweden

Breeder of Afghan hound dogs. New Zealand
Lowenhart Kings & Jesters

Breeder of Champion Lowchen and Afghan hound dogs. Brisbane QLD, Australia
Du Jegdalek

Breeder of Afghan hound. 9860 Landskouter, Belgium

Breeder of Afghan hound and Toy Poodle dogs. 90800 Oulu, Finland
Renaissance Afghans

Renaissance Afghan since 1969, Kennel history, pictures and more- offers Adult Dogs, Puppies and Stud Service to approved female. Bettendorf IO, USA
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