Results 16 - 30 of 43
Cattery K'ung Fu-Tse
Breeder of Oriental longhair (Mandarin) & Oriental shorthair, Balinese and Siamese. Tiel (Gelderland), Nederland
Chatterie Il était une fois Cattery
Siamese and Oriental breeder Élevage de Siamois et d'Orientaux. Saint-Georges Beauce Quebec, Canada
Breeder of Siamese and Oriental Shorthair cats. Espoo, Finland
Züchter von Balinesen und Oriental langhärige Katzen. Breeder of balinese and Oriental Longhair cats. Focused on the four classic colours blue, seal, lilac and choc with and without tabby. OLH in silver shaded. You are welcome to visit us! 41352 Korschenbroich - Lüttenglehn (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Deutschland - Germany
Obini lo bi Cattery
Criadero Gatos Orientales y Siameses. Breeder of Oriental and Siamese cats. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Cattery Khai Muk
Breeder of Balinese, Oriental longhair, Siamese & Oriental shorthair cats. Arnhem (Gelderland), Netherlands
Narki Ayün Cattery
Criadero Familiar de Siameses & Orientales. Breeder of Siamese and Oriental cats. Lomas del Mirador (Buenos Aires), Argentina
Camelot Fantasy Cattery
Criador Siames, Balien, Oriental. Small Cattery siamese - orientals - balinese. We dont use cages. Our cats are raised with love and care. We have the best bloodlines from USA and Europe. Okonor, Martycats, Casa decanos, Tassam. Munro (Buenos Aires), Argentina
Breeder of British Angora (Oriental Longhair) and Norwegian Forest cats. Nottingham (Nottinghamshire), United Kingdom
Once Upon a Time
élevage familial de chatons siamois et orientaux detrès belle qualité. 3890 Montenaken, Belgique - Belgium
Brightiger Cats
Breeder of Siamese and Oriental cats. Virginia SA, Australia
Estrella del sur cattery
Criador Siames y Orientales. Siamese and Oriental Shorthair breeds. Mar del Plata, Argentina.
RG Orientals - Siamese & Orientals
Siamese and Oriental's cattery in Brazil. European, american and australian lines. All colors, solid and tabbies, specially classic (blotched). Vila Olimpia (Sao Paolo), Brazil
Small cattery breeding Siamese & Orientals cats of excellent type and temperament for show or pet. Web site is also an information site on cats. Strathalbyn SA, Australia
Mision Lofoten Cattery
Criador Exotico, Oriental, Siamese y Persa. Breeder of Siamese, Oriental Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair and Persian breeds. 7600 Mar del Plata (Buenos Aires), Argentina
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