Results 1 - 4 of 4
Breeder of Exotic Shorthair, American Curl and Kurilian Bobtail cats. Mölndal (Gothenburg), Sweden
I Mici di Lulu
Allevamento amatoriale riconosciuto Anfi e fife di gatti persiani e kurilian bobtail. Breeder of Persian and Kurilean Bobtail cats. 40100 Bologna (Emilia Romagna), Italia - Italy
Cattery SiberiaFrost
Cattery of Native Russian Breeds Kurilian Bobtail, Neva Masquerade (Colorpointed Siberian), history, about the breeds, standards, gallery, guestbook, links. Moscow, Russia
Japanese Bobtail & Co
Eine alte Rasse NEU entdeckt. Infos zu Japanese bobtail, kurilen und Maerican Bobtail. Breeder of Japanese Bobtail, Kurilian Bobtail and Maerican Bobtail. 6332 Hagendorn (Zug), Schweiz - Switzerland