Results 1 - 5 of 5
Elevage d'An Naoned

Elevage de Basset bleu de Gascogne et Braque allemand, moutons de race Texel, la poule Pictave et le Pigeon Cauchoix. Breeder of Blue Gascony Basset, German short-haired pointing dog, Chicken breed Pictave and Pigeon breed Cauchoix. 17360 La Genetouze (Charente Maritime), France
Acadiana Aviaries

Large bird farm. Breeder of various and exotic varieties of Zebra Finches, Doves, Pigeons and more. Franklin LA, USA
The DovePage

Ringneck, Diamond and Exotic Doves. Salt Lake City UT, USA
Schlömer Lofts

Breeder of pigeons. Mönchengladbach (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Germany
Pro Pigeon Loft

Racing pigeons bred for tough middle distance pigeon racing. A family of fast maturing, tough, and dependable racing pigeons bred for middle distance pigeon racing. St Louis MO, USA