Results 1 - 15 of 42
Singing Wings Aviary

We are bird breeders that provide a variety of quality Finches, Canaries and exotic birds at affordable prices! Shipping is available within the US. Our website provides lots of great bird photos and species information. Finches: Gouldian, Java, Zebra, Owl, Society, Spice, European Goldfinch, European Greenfinch, Grey Singer, Shafttail, Saffron, Cordon Blue, Strawberry, Diamond Firetail, Melba, Swee, Nuns & much more. London AR, USA
Paws and Feathers

Breeder of all exotic parrots: Greys - Macaws - Cockatoos - Parrotlets - Conures - Quakers - Cockatiels - Mutations. Hudson FL, USA
1-2 Tweet Parrot Breeder

Parrot breeder african grey parrots, eclectus parrot, umbrella cockatoo, moluccan cockatoo, goffin cockatoo, ducorp cockatoo, bare ezed cockatoo, eleanora cockatoo, rose breasted cockatoo, citron cockatoo, blue gold macaw, scarlet macaw, military macaw, severe macaw, yellow collared macaw, hahns macaw, noble macaw, hyacinth macaw. Brandon FL, USA
Twin Willows Aviary

Macaws & Cockatoos. Bryon CA, USA.
Ferme Tridon

Elevage de perroquets. Breeder of Parrots. Züchter von Papageie. Allevatore di Pappagalli. Criador de Papagayos. 38800 Champagnier (Isère), France - Frankreich - Francia
Averill Farms Aviary

Breeder of cockatoos, macaws, eclectus, greys, ringnecks and amazons. FL, USA
The Rudkin Aviary

Specializing in Rosebreasted, long billed corella, Major Mitchell's and Greater Sulphur Crested cockatoos. Bardsdale CA, USA.
The Parrot Aviary

Cockatoos, Amazons, African Greys, Eclectus. Elk River MN, USA.
Fox's Feather Farm

Breeders of 40 different species of hand-raised weaned Parrots. Watsonville CA, USA.
Pippin's Roost Exotics

Breeder of Exotic Birds. Fallbrook CA, USA
Mariah Aviary

Quaker, Peach Face Lovebird, White Face Cockatiel, Hahns and Severe Macaw, African Grey and Goffin Cockatoo. MT, USA.
Jean's Exotic Birds

Riverside CA, USA.
Tucker Farms

Breeder of Amazons, African Greys, Cockatoos, Eclectus, Poicephalus. Estancia NM, USA.
Aves International

Breeders of fine parrots and other exotic birds. Rancho Palos Verdes CA, USA.
Birds 2 Pet

Specializing in rare and hand-fed parrot species : Cockatoos, Conures, Macaws. Redwood Estates CA, USA.
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