Results 1 - 7 of 7
Singing Wings Aviary
We are bird breeders that provide a variety of quality Finches, Canaries and exotic birds at affordable prices! Shipping is available within the US. Our website provides lots of great bird photos and species information. Finches: Gouldian, Java, Zebra, Owl, Society, Spice, European Goldfinch, European Greenfinch, Grey Singer, Shafttail, Saffron, Cordon Blue, Strawberry, Diamond Firetail, Melba, Swee, Nuns & much more. London AR, USA
Sunshine's Aviary
We are a small breeder of beautiful, healthy, and active color canaries. Midland MI, USA
The House Of Crests
Home of the well-known line of Gloster Canaries & Border Canaries raised by the most famous champion Gloster breeder in America have won most major shows in the last 25 years! The Gloster is the easiest canary to raise! Bloomingdale IL, USA
Pretty Birds
Pittsburgh PA, USA.
Elevage Glémet
Élevage amateur de canaris couleurs. Breeder of coloured canaries. Criador de los canarios de color. Allevatore di canarini di colore. Züchter von Farbenkanarien. 16000 Angoulême (Charente), France - Francia - Frankreich
Allevamento Sportivo L'Oasi
Allevatore de canarini ed Spinus. Breeder of Canary and Spinus. Züchter von Kanarienvögel und Spinus. Criador de Canarios y de Spinus. Eleveur de canaris et Spinus. Pisa (Toscana), Italia - Italy - Italien
Gloster Zegla
Allevamento Sportivo per la selezione del Canarino Gloster. Breeder of Gloster Canary. 44100 Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna), Italia - Italy