Results 1 - 15 of 36
EPIC - Exmoor Ponies in Conservation.

Gait Barrows Herd, breeding these endangered ponies on the English Nature NNR and training them as conservation grazers. United Kingdom.
Aktionsgemeinschaft Artenschutz e.V

Nichtregierungsorganisation, mit dem Ziel bedrohte wildlebende Tierarten vor der Ausrottung zu schützen. Action Campaign for the Protection of Animals e.V.. Acciones para salvar animales en peligro de extinción. Deutschland - Germany - Alemania.
World Parrot Trust

International Society for the Preservation of the Tropical Rainforest

African Bird Club

United Kingdom.
The Peregrine Fund

Non-profit conservation organization working to conserve birds of prey in nature
BirdLife International

Conserving the world's birds
International Wildlife Rehabilitation Council

Love for Tigers

Information about tigers, and raising awareness for the plight of Tigers
The Canadian World Parrot Trust

a branch of the World Parrot Trust, the only international conservation organization that is devoted exclusively to the survival of parrots.
Derbyshire Fox Rescue (UK)

Rescue & rehabilitation centre for sick, injured & orphaned foxes. Advice & homoeopathic treatment for foxes suffering from Sarcoptic Mange.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

United Kingdom.

Animal Protection and Conservation
The International Association for Bear Research and Management (

Conservation of all species of bears
World Animal Net

Network of animal protection societies with over 1,700 affiliates in more than 90 countries campaigning to improve the status and welfare of animals
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