Results 1 - 5 of 5
Winter Springs Aquaculture Inc
Fine growers of Arctic Charr since 1997 Canada
Northern Aqua farms
Information on the farming on Arctic Char in Canada written from a farmer prospective. Selkirk MB, Canada
McKenzie Fish Co
Hatchery from eggs to brood stock, Arctic Char,Atlantic and pink salmon, shovelnose and lake sturgeon, paddlefish, pike and musky, brook brown rainbow golden splake trout, bass, walleyes, bluegill. Stacy MN, USA
Agassiz Aqua Tech Inc.
Agassiz Aqua Tech Inc. has grown to be an industry leader in its field, on track to become one of the largest Arctic Char breeding and production farms in existence. Gunton MB, Canada
Hofer Forellen GmbH
Rainbow trout, large trout and charr. Regenbogenforellen, Lachsforellen, Saiblinge. Oberndorf (Baden-Württemberg), Germany - Deutschland.