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Icelandic Breeds

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Horses Icelandic Breeds

Home : Pets : Horses : Breeds : Icelandic Breeds

Results 1 - 10 of 10

  1. Canadian Icelandic Horse Federation Details
    Canadian registry for Icelandic Horses. Part of the world FEIF family. Goals is to promote and protect the Icelandic Horse in Canada

  2. Fakur Details
    General information about Icelandic Horses and their gaits.

  3. Tolt - Icelandic horses Details
    Info and exchange site for those interested in Icelandic horses

  4. International Federation of Icelandic Horse Associations Details
    Internationale Föderation der Islandpferde Vereine

  5. Icelandic Horse Acres Details
    Help connect Icelandic horse-owners on-line and quickly communicate with Icelandic Horse enthusiasts over e-mail and list Icelandic horse-events around the globe.
    Greenacres WA, USA.

  6. United States Icelandic Horse Congress Details
    Events and services, registry and breeding standards.

  7. The Icelandic Horse Society of Great Britain Details
    United Kingdom

  8. Prince Edward Island Draft Horse Association Details

  9. www.icelandic-horses.com Details
    Horsedatabase of 30000+ icelandic horses.
    Databank met meer dan 30000 paarden.

  10. Icelandic Horse International Association of America Details
    Share information and promote riding clubs all over North America


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