Results 1 - 15 of 50
Sphynx & Chi's

Breeder of Sphynx cats and Chihuahua. Dayton OH, USA
Bemisu Cattery

Very small high quality cattery breeding and showing Sphynx for 18 years. Bemisu is committed to Promoting, Protecting, and Improving the Sphynx through continuing education and awareness. Check us out and have a great day!. Aurora CO, USA
Nobilgatti Allevamento Canadian Sphynx

Allevamento selezionato dell'esclusiva razza completamente nuda Sphynx. Fedelissimi agli alti standard fisico/genetici richiesti dalle Federazioni Mondiali. Breeders of Sphynx cats. 33040 Corno di Rosazzo (Udine) Italia - Italy
Moon Harbour

Elevage de Chiens Chinois a Crête et de chats Sphynx. Breeder of Chinese Crested dogs and Sphynx cats. 33620 Saint Mariens (Gironde), France
DeSade Canadian Sphynx Deluxe Cattery

Gatteria Italiana di gatti Sphynx, colori rari, occhi azzurri, mosaico e impari. Italian cattery of Sphynx cats, rare color, blue, mosaic and odd eyes. 13900 Biella (Piemonte), Italia - Italy
Delpat Cattery

Home of Ch. Kopurrskat Tiggerman of Dalpat. All of our cats and kittens live and are raised in our home. Bald, beautiful and well socialized. Visit our site and see Ch. Tigger and his Queens. Stockton MD, USA
Truhill Cattery

TICA registered cattery raising sphynx. Lebanon IN, USA
Candela Sphynx

Candela Sphynx es uno de los criaderos más antiguos de gatos Sphynx que existen en España. Pequeño y exclusivo núcleo familiar dedicado a la selección y mejora del gato Sphynx. Small hobby breeder of Sphynx cats. Barcelona, España - Spain
A MoonStone Jewel

A Moonstone Jewel est une petite chatterie familiale, qui privilégie le bien etre et l'amour de nos nunus. N'hesitez pas à nous poser vos questions sur la race, nous vous répondrons avec plaisir. Hobby breeder of Sphynx cats. 77185 Lognes (Seine et Marne), France
Antica Torre

La gatteria dell'Antica Torre si situa in Ticino, nella Svizzera italiana e alleva con amore Sphynx, nell'interesse della razza, meravigliose creature. Eleveur de Sphynx. Breeder of Sphynx. Locarno, Svizzera - Suisse - Switzerland
Nefertiti - Sphynx

Nefertiti-sphynx est un élevage familial de chats de race sphynx depuis plus de 10 ans. Membre du Sphynx Club de France. Breeder of Sphynx cats. 95400 Villiers-le-Bel (Val d'Oise), France
Spilla Sphynx

Allevamento amatoriale di gatti sphynx, venite a visitare il sito per farvi catturare da queste magnifiche creature. Breeder of Sphynx cats 41057 Spilamberto, Italia - Italy
Pridesphynx Cattery

Cattery Breeding healthy quality Sphynx. TICA/CFA registered, Kittens available. We breed for quality and not quantity. Burton MI, USA
Sphynx Amoonstonejewel

A MoonStone Jewel Sphynx est une chatterie familiale, née d’une passionnante rencontre avec un chat tout a fait exceptionnel. Hobby cattery of Sphynx cats. 77185 Marne La Vallée (Seine et Marne), France
The Divine Sphynx

Hola,nos dedicamos entre otras cosas a la cria del Sphynx, nuestros ejemplares gozan de un estado de salud inmejorable gracias a nuestras clinicas y veterinarios, solo deciros que nos visiteis en nuestra pagina web no os arepentireis, nos vemos. Breeder of Sphynx cats. 08100 Barcelona (Catalonia), España - Spain
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