Results 1 - 15 of 104
Cattery Cooncity

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. Oostende, Belgium

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. 21200 Raisio, Finland
Buwele Maine Coon

Criadero familiar de gatos, de raza Maine Coon, excelentes lineas. Cuidamos la salud y el carácter de nuestros gatos. Breeder of Maine Coon cats. 28492 Madrid, España - Spain
Tribù del deserto

Allevamento amatoriale gatti maine coon. Le abitudini, la storia di questo piccolo felino. Breeder of Maine Coon. Züchter vom Maine Coon. 58010 Cerreto di Sorano, Italia - Italy - Italien
Cattery l'Hibou

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. Leiden, Netherlands
Alexander-fred WCF / Russicurl CFA Cattery

American curl, maine-coon, kurilian bobtail, persian, munchkin cattery. World Champion WCF, Grand Champion CFA breedlines. Moscow, Russia
***from Glowing Eyes***Maine Coons

Kleine seriöse Hobbyzucht, mit typvollen,gesunden und menschenbezogenen Katzen in interessanten Linienkombinationen. Schauen Sie doch mal bei uns vorbei,wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch!Demnächst gibt es bei uns wieder bezaubernden Nachwuchs. Breeder of Maine Coon cats. 67271 Obersülzen (Rheinland-Pfalz), Deutschland - Germany
Country Dream's

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. 64691 Gnesta, Sweden

Allevamenti di gatti Maine Coon. Con storia, fotografie, disponibilità dei cuccioli, abitudini di questo splendido gatto. Breeder of Maine Coon cats. 40127 Bologna, Italia - Italy
Sweet Rialto's

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. Apeldoorn (Gelderland), Netherlands

Allevamento Maine Coon con attenzione sulla socializzazione dei cuccioli e salute esente felv/fiv si eseguono test per controllo dell'hacm. Breeder of Maine Coon cats. Roma - Rome, Italia - Italy
Rascal Maine Coons

Main Coon, beautiful, healthy, indoor companions. Cats/kittens raised with love and are very much our family. Available in Solids and Tabby, most colours available. Hervey Bay QLD, Australia
Maine Coon cattery Tabula Rasa

Maine Coon cattery where health and character comes first. Breeds only with tested lines. Vlijmen, Netherlands
Pristine Paws

Pristine Paws ist eine kleine Maine-Coon-Zucht mit ca. 1 - 2 Würfen pro Jahr. Teilweise sind in diesen Würfen auch Kitten mit Polydaktylie. Breeder of Maine Coon, some polydactyly 22115 Hamburg (Niedersachsen), Deutschland

Breeder of Maine Coon cats. Stockholm, Sweden
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