Results 1 - 15 of 23
Chatterie du Caramy

la Chatterie du Caramy vous présente ses bouillottes à bisous frisottées : mes chatons partent à partir de 3 mois 1/2, vaccinés, vermifugés, LOOF et stérilisés pour la compagnie ; venez les voir sur mon site et mon blog. Breeder of Devon Rex cats. 83170 Tourves (Var), France
S*Giggle's Devon Rex

Cattery of the curly cat Devon Rex. Bred for health and beauty. Mölndal, Sweden
I Folletti di Nerone

Allevamento del gatto devon rex, i nostri cuccioli sono sani socievoli e affettuosissimi. Devon Rex cat breeding, our kittens are healthy, sociable and affectionate. 00010 Montorio Romano (Roma), Italia - Italy

Breeder of Rhodesian Ridgeback dogs and Devon Rex cats. 82393 Segersta, Sweden.
Rex Time

Allevamento amatoriale. Devon Rex riconosciuto A.N.F.I. e F.I.Fe. Breeder of Devon Rex. 00128 Roma, Italia - Italy
Cattery and Kennel Wei Haj Wè

Breeder of Devon Rex, Cornish Rex, Siamese cats, and English Bulldog. Belgium
Magical Siamese

Siamese and Devon Rex breeder site, lots of pics old & new, links to breed club, and other breeders. Droylsden (Manchester), United Kingdom

Züchter von Maine Coon und Devon Rex katzen. Breeder of Maine Coon and Devon Rex cats. 28879 Grasberg (Niedersachsen), Deutschland - Germany
Chatterie les Lutins du Devon

Elevage familiale de Rex Devon, les lutins aux pattes de velours. Hobby breeder of Devon Rax cats. 83411 Hyères (Var), France

Devon Rex and Maine Coon cattery registered FIFe. Warsaw, Poland
Rexcatter's Devon & Cornish Rex

We are a small cattery that breeds our cats to meet breed standards. Our goal is to produce healthy, well-socialized kittens with the wonderful 'Rex' personality. Our cats and kittens are raised in our home. Sterling AK, USA

Chatterie de Devons Rex et Savannahs. Milieu familiale. Excellent type. Santé et tempérament garantie. Chatterie d'exception! Contactez-nous! Cattery breeding Devon Rex and Savannah cats. Ste-Foy Québec, Canada

Breeder of Devon Rex cats. Wisconsin WI, USA

Breeder of Devon Rex and Sphynx cats. Söderhamn, Sweden.
Chatterie Oriental Jokes

Nos Devon Rex vivent en toute amitié avec nos Persans. Ils attendent tous votre visite sur notre site! Breeder of Devon Rex and Persians. 28290 Châtillon en Dunois (Eure et Loir), France
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