Results 1 - 7 of 7
Miamber Burmilla

Miamber is a small hobby cattery in the Northern suburbs of Melbourne, dedicated to not only improving the Burmilla type, but also to breeding healthy and well adjusted companions. Every cat used in my breeding program has been Ultrasounded and/or DNA tested for Polycystic Kidney Disease and found to be negative South Morang VIC, Australia
L'Argento Cattery

Breeder of Burmilla and Australian Tiffanie cats with excellent health and Temperaments. Doncaster East VIC, Australia
Catsland Cattery

Petite chatterie élevant librement des chat Burmese europeens, des Burmilla et des persan. Small cattery who breed European Burmese, Burmilla and persian. St-Hubert Quebec, Canada
Norlyn Cattery

Australian cattery breeding Burmese & Burmilla cats with excellent temperament & type. kittens raised indoors with lots of TLC. Engadine (Sydney) NSW, Australia
Burmilla Katzen von Eppendorf

Breeders of Burmilla Cats. 22529 Hamburg (Lower Saxony), Germany.

Breeder of Burmese, Burmilla, Russian Blue cats. Züchter von Burma, Burmilla, Russisch Blau katzen. Rågeleje, Denmark
Shantinga Cattery

Breeder of Burmilla, Australian Tiffanie, Burmese cats with excellent health and Temperaments. Engadine NSW, Australia