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Home : In the Wild : Elephants

Results 1 - 3 of 3

  1. The elephant repository Details
    For elephants & elephant lovers: the elephant information repository is an in-depth resource for elephant related news, elephant events, and a trunk full of elephant related information.

  2. Introduction to the Proboscidea Details
    There are only two species of Proboscidea alive today: the Indian elephant (Elephas maximus) and the African elephant (Loxodonta africana).
    University of Berkeley USA

  3. Absolute Elephant - Absolut Elefant Details
    Information about captive and wild elephants.
    Consultancy for Diet, Breeding, Training, Studbook.
    Information über Elefanten.
    Ratgeber für Pflege, Dressur, Zucht
    Stockholm Sweden.


  Same category in other languages  
  Dans la Nature:Elephants (2)
  En el Salvaje:Elefantes ()
  In der Wildnis:Elefanten (5)
  Nella Natura:Elefante ()

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