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Cattle Breeds

Home : Farming : Cattle : Breeds

Results 1 - 8 of 8

  1. Association Hereford France Details
    Descriptif et qualités de la race HEreford.
    Beschreibung und Qualitäten der Rasse Hereford.
    Description and qualities of the Hereford breed.

  2. L'association pour la promotion et l'expansion de la race Salers Details
    Sitio de la promoción de la casta de Salers.
    Association for promotion of the reproducers of Salers breed.

  3. The Randall Cattle Registry, Inc. Details
    The Official Website Of Randall Cattle. A breed registry dedicated to protecting and enhancing the purebred status of Randall Cattle, and to promoting the use of this rare and beautiful breed in their rightful environment.

  4. Cattle Breeds Details
    Extensive breeds information from the Oklahoma State University, USA

  5. Australian Dexter Association Details

  6. The British Kerry Cattle Society Details

  7. Breeds of Cattle Details

  8. UPRA La race Maine Anjou Details
    La race bovine Maine Anjou
    Die Rinderrasse Maine Anjou
    The bovine breed Maine Anjou


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